19 February 2016

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Steps On How to Create Facebook Gateway On 2go

Many People have been having difficulties with their Facebook gateway which can enable them Chat on 2go with their facebook friends while some do not even know they can Connect to Facebook Chat with 2go via FACEBOOK GATEWAY:

Facebook gateway enables you to chat with ur online facebook friends and this makes 2go really Interesting.

Now how to activate it:

Goto settings on your 2go >> Gateways >> Facebook gateway >> Activate...

It will then request for your Facebook username and password.

NOTE::Your facebook username is different from your real name on facebook..

For example: My FB real name is "Jalaj Gupta" but my facebook username is"jalaj.gupta.5015".

To create or know your facebook username: Login to facebook, then click on Profile >> Info, you will see profile name as "facebook.com/jalaj.gupta.5015" [It is only jalaj.gupta.5015 that is the username].

You can create if it has not yet been created. Now back to 2go, go to Settings >> Gateway (facebook gateway), enter your username and password all in SMALL LETTERS then click activate and that's all, you will now begin to chat with your facebook friends online!

But where the problem lies is even when some people enter their username and password correctly it will still be writing "incorrect facebook detaiils".

Now you try again and make sure you are carefull and if it continues writing the same thing, then... The simple SCOPE is to just Change your facebook password and try again.

[Make sure your new password is made up of small letters and the password MUST be alphabets of seven letters]




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